
Yesterday 16:40 or so,, the residents living in the area of Homestead Baixia Han suddenly found a white-haired old lady, clutching a cell 6 on the 3rd floor window of an outside security windows, seeing it To fall. Emergency, in the vicinity of a fruit Xue aunt rushed to a stride, hand ready to take the old lady. At this time, the old lady fell down from the window of the account,, and then hit the second floor of the building awning, and hit 58-year-old Aunt Xue right shoulder,, and finally fell to the ground. Currently Video: 58-year-old aunt Nanjing out his hand injured 84-year-old woman falls Source: Jiangsu TV, "there is one that one," the old lady still Jiangsu Provincial People's Hospital for treatment, Xue aunt just right shoulder soft tissue injury, has been home from the hospital, Continue fruit.
The old lady suddenly hanging in 3 Louchuang account
Near 6:00 yesterday evening, reporters rushed to the scene, this time to save and rescued two elderly people have been taken to hospital ambulance. After residents of the guidelines, the reporter found the trouble of building. This building houses a total of 7 layers, one layer and the north side of the road parallel to the floor Xue aunt in a fruit. The south-facing side of the two layers is a big platform, a layer below the platform.
The area is an open area, rushed to reach out and care for women is to open Granny falls under the Louzhuang female fruit shop stall. At this point,scarpe hogan outlet, fruit gathered in front of a dozen residents talk about what just happened at the scene of the residents Zhao said: "If it was a prop Laoxue, Granny least injured, maybe on the spot is gone, it is not easy ah. "Here, Zhao nodded, while a thumbs-up,, said Xue Aunt true courage.
Talking about that scene happened long ago, many residents say the real danger,, thanks fruit aunt who save lives regardless of danger. Some residents told reporters that the old lady upstairs fall Xing Hu, 84 year old,louboutin homme, living in the 4th floor of this building. Afterward, the reporter found living in the south-facing side of the second floor of the building tenants horse woman, according to her,, she saw the whole process of the matter. "It was about 4:40 or so, I sat in the room, suddenly heard outside noisy, I thought it was someone fight it. I came out from the room later and found everyone to look at the roof of my house, but also pointing finger points. I looked up and saw the original live on the 4th floor of Hu woman, clutching security windows on the 3rd floor, and seeing to fall. The security windows windows away from her home some distance do not know how she is up to the security window, when I hear that someone holding a cell phone to call the police,hogan scarpe, was also said to get a ladder next to the old lady. lady 9-year-old granddaughter, but also from the windows account stuck his head, but also extends to a rope, estimated to be able to hope grandmother holding a rope. But the old lady over 80 years old, and they have security windows hung in a while, where there are efforts to grasp the rope ah. " Ma old lady told reporters.
Aunt Xue old lady hit the ground after shoulder
As for the case when people fall, the horse lady out of the room, a detailed description of the reporter a bit. "After a child, in front of a fruit Xiao Xue also came over and saw the old lady hung, they quickly ran to the third floor the following security windows, facing the old lady said a few words, as if to say: ' you down, I followed you. 'But I could not hear clearly. It was at this time,, Hu old lady fell off. Do not know really catch up, or heard the words of Xiao Xue old lady fall time ,hollister pas cher, first hit a two roof awning on the rebound after a brief hit in the shoulder Xiao Xue fruit is estimated that the force is too large,, Xiao Xue also failed to catch, finally fell to the ground. Hu old After his wife fell, no one would dare go help, dreaded hurt her,hogan uomo, Xiao Xue from the inside out. Then, after a while, ambulances and police cars rushing over to both of them went to the hospital . "Ma said the old lady.
The reporter Ren Guoyong Lihai Yong Shorey
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