
Yesterday around 9:00,giubbotto pelle peuterey, the temple town of Huairou District,woolrich italia, peach village of several villagers stuck in a white van outside the village depot outside the country,http://kosodate119.com, resulting in more than 40 vehicles tanker vehicles can not access. Peach village some villagers depot for the country listed in the "three sins", involving circumstances such as traffic,cadriano woolrich, environment and safety in three areas. Yesterday, two in the afternoon,http://bbs.bzwh.gov.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=29822, under the coordination of the local government, the villagers stopped Dumen behavior.

In front of the depot,woolrich usa, "a car when off"

Country depot belonging to Beijing Blue Sky Petroleum oil sales abroad, Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the country's), located in Chengde Coal West High Bridge, is within the administrative jurisdiction of peach village.

Yesterday,moncler giubbotti 2013,http://www.tukipie.net/camera/index.cgi, 11:00, extending outwardly from the depot entrance door, dozens of cars blocked the road tanker vehicles. Ranked near the entrance of the bus group tanker driver Du said the master,http://www.ryowa.net/cgi/bkn_v1.cgi, their unit early in the morning to several cars pull oil, shipped Miyun bus station. Just a few cars out front, a van came to a near direct cross the gate, got out seventy-eight villagers subsequently stopped in the doorway. Inside the car can not go out the back of the car to enter.

Villagers column depot "three sins"

Depot at the entrance door, a white van cross Duzhe empty, but not the owner. In addition to tanker impassable, with other units of the vehicle depot with the hospital and out of the country are also affected.

Reporter then went to the peach village, the village the villagers said Dumen indeed Villagers. The villagers said that they believe the presence of oil spills depot, village water taste an oil. In addition, oil depots and tanker safety for the village there is a certain threat. Some time ago had to pull the oil tanker rollover accident, but fortunately slow, did not cause an explosion, otherwise the consequences could be disastrous. There are more important point, because the recent tanker more,woolrich outlet online opinioni, village roads are congested,peuterey online outlet, seriously affecting the villagers travel, once a conflict between the villagers and the tanker driver. The villagers were very upset,woolrich spaccio, this go Dumen.

Fang said that the villagers make things difficult depot

The country's oil depot country office staff, said the oil depot in the past worked for the airport, they took over in 2006, then repeated the villagers difficulties, trouble. After complaints from villagers affected the company's pipeline to the village water supply,http://szbbs.sznews.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, environmental protection departments to come down the pipeline checked four or five times,giacca uomo woolrich, but did not check out any problems. He said that if the pipeline leak, which the company metering staff can know, there is no question of oil spills. As the villagers said a tanker rollover accident,giacche woolrich donna, just a sporadic traffic accidents.

Yesterday,http://www.z-tech.jp/bbs1/sunbbs.cgi?mode=form&no=4039&page=, two in the afternoon, the van drove away Dumen,http://www.lionbrandyarnstudio.com/cgi-bin/faq-search.cgi, tanker vehicles begin normal access. Depot staff said Dumen lead to four or five tanker cars can not access, whether it affects the supply in some areas is unclear.

Water authorities are detected

On Dumen issue, peach village committee responsible person, the villagers mainly because of dissatisfaction with the road congestion before going Dumen. This occurs afterwards, the village immediately report to the town,http://news.hbeu.cn/bbs/home.php?mod=space&uid=30008, and actively coordinate the resolution of the matter.

As for the "pollution" problem, Huairou District Environmental Protection Bureau deputy director of Zhaojiu Wang said that they received the August 23 report, said the villagers have greasy water,peuterey piumini, the district and the bureau attaches great importance to immediately tested. Initial test results indicate that although water and oil, but the content was normal, showed no exceedances. They then organize personnel conducted a second sample, and the sample was sent to Beijing detection department,moncler chamonix, the current results are not yet come.

Edition photography / reporter Wang Xuan yi

Edition written / reporter Xiao Yue annals