Their "one day" is equal to 34 hours

 Yangcheng Evening News reporter recorded the whole process of pediatric surgeons day

Go grassroots text / Chart Yangcheng Evening News reporter Luoyun Fang

 (This article was published on October 20,nike air max pas cher femme, 2011)

"One day is how long?",air max requin pas cher,http://www.single-serving.com/Japanese, If you are asking such a question, you must answer "24 hours!" Yes, an average person is 24 hours a day, while outside the Shenzhen Children's Hospital Second Division, there are so a group of surgeons, they are the "one day" class, but up to 34 hours! They work from 8 am until 18:00 the next day to leave the hospital after work.

This is not a story, if not the reporter interviewed experienced with them, it is difficult to believe that this society is really a group of people with their work ethic and dedication at the grassroots level, in line with the work silently.

Shenzhen Children's Hospital is the only one the city's Children's Hospital, due to supply and demand contradiction between doctors and patients,http://www.sgjy169.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, doctors long-term work overload has become a habit. "I am not afraid to work Zaikuzailei, as long as we can get people to understand very pleased!" Hospital outside the two families Wang Bin, deputy director of Physicians for the reporter says.

To be able to really feel their work, reporters on Sept. 26, the 27th Division on the Bin and the outer two of the doctors and nurses were tracking interview.

Time September 26 morning

Locations outside the two families Ward

Less than 8:00 am, Wang and his colleagues came to the hospital, this time on the third floor outside the two families have started to liven up, there are three to four square meters of space between the hospital wards and nursing station, originally is designed to give children a place to move families with children, but now they fill the bed, the reporter saw extra beds shows up to "83." "The ward was originally designed to only 40 beds, is now due to too many patients, put a single room changed Double Triple Double change, add in the hallway,woolrich giubbotto, added to the open space, the transformation of the office, as long as all available and transformation of the place, have carried out an extra bed, the result is added to the current 83 beds, even so, still can not meet the requirements of the patients required hospitalization, many patients every day in the queue waiting to live in, on average need to wait 3-4 months to inpatient surgery, "outside two department nurse Liu Yanqing told reporters.

8:00 am, Dr. Wang Binhuo began rounds, one after another asked the development of children with the disease, the majority of children and parents Bin know, there are still many children he had done surgery. To live outside the two families are some of the more acute severe illness in children, the whole Shenzhen Children's Hospital, the only one to have such a department, you can perform general surgery pediatric surgery. After the investigation room, is already nearly an hour later,http://www.cnnetech.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, this time, the nurse sent surgery schedule, today, Wang Bin do two major operations, one morning, one afternoon. Morning of surgery is about to begin, the nurse has been ahead of the preoperative preparation. Children with severe lived several departments, the object of these children are personally concerned about Wang Bin,nike air prix, confessed to the hospital after medical treatment program, Wang immediately rushed to the operating room, began a day-long surgery.

Around 9:00, Wang went into the operating room, began a nearly two-year-old children with laparoscopic common bile duct cyst. It is understood that the common bile duct cyst in the field of pediatric surgery are difficult surgery, human anatomy for the surgeon and surgical techniques are required. Laparoscopic common bile duct cyst surgery is carried out by the same surgical procedure laparoscopic devices, which greatly increases the difficulty of the surgery, the surgeon's skill level to put forward higher requirements, it is difficult to carry out the majority of the surgical hospital. The surgical trauma,moncler pas cher, less pain, faster recovery, at present, only Beijing, Shanghai and a handful of specialty hospitals can carry out. This year, Shenzhen Children's Hospital pediatric general surgery carried out 34 cases of successful independent laparoscopic common bile duct cyst surgery, minimally invasive surgery to fill the gaps in Guangdong Province this disease. Many of whom are young children, the youngest only two months. Most of these operations are by Wang and his group with the completion of treatment.

Morning of surgery, completed jointly by Wang and his partner Dr. Feng Qi, Feng doctors came to the hospital from the 25th in the morning to go to work, the value of a 24-hour day shift, the 26th and the morning of surgery together then and he did not go home to sleep , this operation lasted more than three hours, until 13:00 and more until the end, surgery, operating room, the doctors take turns pumping only 10 minutes to go outside to eat a lunch, then went back to the operating table. After the surgeries, operating room immediately for cleaning, and waiting for the next station of surgery.

Time September 26 afternoon

Place the operating room

2:30 pm, Wang Feng and partner together doctors and several other doctors began as an 8-month-old infants enterolysis + bowel resection anastomosis, when the child admission stool leaks from the umbilical cord at the medical on called umbilical fistula surgery in children with celiac found severe intestinal adhesions into the group, and with the umbilical adhesions connected. Doctors cautious loosen adhesions bowel, intestinal damage after children because once the recovery will be very smoothly, so severe adhesions, loosen when the intestine is also very prone to breakage. Fortunately, the operation was successful.

6:00 pm, near the end of surgery sounds, Dr. Feng Qi as it has been working continuously for more than 30 hours, Wang let him down, so that other doctors and he went on to do finishing work and stitching. Dr. Fung home from the 25th to the stage down from the surgery to work, been a whole 34 hours. "His home there seven months pregnant wife waiting for him to go back to cook, because the surgery of us can do with a good partner, so he sacrificed his own time to rest with my surgery." Bin a little guilty speaking to reporters.

The surgery began at 2:30 pm until 6:40 until the end. Reporters watching surgery in the operating room, you can move back and forth, you can sit down and rest for a while,http://cgi.geocities.jp/yoppadon/geocgi/golf/golf22.cgi/%3C/, even so, four hours still let reporters feel very tired and having a hard time,http://bbs.nanyi100.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=9595&extra=, but the operating table Bin and his colleagues are intense work of four hours. Faced with little life on the operating table, watching intently as the children's doctor stitched eyes glow a reporter could not help the tears: lament the fragility of life! Sigh medicine's magic! Thank these have given new hope to patients every day life angels who!

Time September 26 evening

Locations outside the two families Ward

At 6:50 minutes, Wang returned to the doctor's office from the operating room, they immediately started together with the doctor on duty the night of the rounds. Reporters saw the doctor duty room four doctors, two department chief resident outside any Feng told reporters: "In fact, there are two doctors in overtime Dr. Bai Ban, because every doctor in charge of his patients, his There are a lot of things if patients did not complete treatment or surgery is not done, he was always to be completed in order to work, overtime has become commonplace. like Von doctor attached to work more than thirty hours as the situation often occurs because of our surgery especially emergency surgery, one pick one, doctors really have no way to work on time. "Ren Feng Day is a day of surgery done, just down from the operating table.

7:20 pm, rounds end, after nurse standing guard on duty took several consultation notice, there are two patients to ask Wang Bin,http://tonydog518.lauraonline.net/read.php?tid=3128014, director of consultation,air max 90 solde, there are two that make any consultation of the front. After the doctor on duty after confessed, 7:30, Wang Feng and Ren began to sit down,air max tn requin, prepare dinner, supper is the hospital cafeteria lunch, a tomato scrambled eggs with rice, is this dinner outside the two families laparoscopic surgery experts.

7:50 pm, dinner rush rush to the other sections of Bin consultation, because this one has come a long consultation, he has been in surgery, if not consultation within eight hours,http://ir.lib.fukushima-u.ac.jp, the hospital's Medical Services will be asked to implement responsibilities. "Seemingly ordinary work, in fact, there is a set behind our hospital's surveillance system to monitor health care work processes to ensure the normal operation of the hospital and the patient's rights and interests." Ren Feng said, 22:00 to 12:00, will be Hospital emergency peak,woolrich italia, almost every day of children hospitalized with severe acute and require surgery.

Wang and colleagues turn to spend the night in the operating room,nike tn requin.

Time September 27 morning

Place clinic building

Early in the morning on the 27th, after Wang had surgery for a children, 9:00 and more, also rushed to the clinic when, every Tuesday morning is a specialist outpatient visits his time, many in the liver and gallbladder, gastrointestinal, oncology,solde nike air max, minimally invasive Special needs patients will wait until every Tuesday morning to see the doctor. Because many patients seeking treatment, number of visits each morning was always hanging over.

Outpatient morning after reading dozens of patients, is already 12:00,http://gamsa.net/guestbook/index.php?item/create_form/1,doudoune moncler femme solde, theater notify Bin chaired Hirschsprung's disease in children laparoscopic surgery has received the operating room, so he hurried to a lunch, rushed to the operating room for a high degree of difficulty, up to three hours of surgery. Done this surgery, he's that "one day" class considered over.

September 27,nike pas cher, due to there are other interviews, reporters could not follow him throughout the interview, but the outer two GPs to work 34 hours a continuous miracle let reporters suddenly remembered a network of migrant workers describe the popular saying: "Since than Chicken still early, sleep later than the cat, did also tired than donkeys. "

"In fact, we tired down does not matter, as long as the patient and society can be understood and respected, we would be very happy. Our technology and services to win the trust of the patient, the patient waiting in line every day to live in fact most Patients and their families are on us With a grateful heart, there are families often send SMS greetings holidays, and we talk about the child's situation, these returns are supporting us strength to carry on, we choose this career, and love it, they will strive to do it. also want to trust between doctors and patients can really build up, the doctor-patient relationship more harmonious! "Wang said.