
Morning News April 25, Xiao was released from prison after the first press conference, and invite patients undergoing surgery to name a Shore scene, also claimed although I can not personally present in the country surgeon surgery, but his aides and students can Continue for surgery patients. To refute, recently, Fang, Peng Jian, etc. held in Beijing the "Shaw's surgery,https://www.escrevendoofuturo.org.br/index.php?option=com_blog&view=blog," the risk of side information sessions, saying the May 30 will help the patient's family court, the prosecution Xiao et al. And some patients Anhui heard the matter, immediately said: "Xiao lying,nike air max pas cher, he is a liar." And a patient,http://www.liuxianwx.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=1944, said he wrote to the lawyer, hoping to sue Xiao.

Anhui patient says Shaw is a liar

Recently, in order to refute psycho saying at a news conference at a hotel in the Chaoyang District, Beijing, more than a dozen patients or family members of patients who have undergone surgery Shore participated Peng Fang Jian and the risk of side held information sessions. These patients from Shandong, Henan and other places, in 2006-2009,nike tn pas cher, in the divine origin of Urology Hospital of Zhengzhou, the Fourth Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, Wuhan Union Hospital received or Shore surgery.

After Koga heard from Anhui Fuyang lawyer suffering from side information sessions open to argue that psycho surgery to rectify the name of Shaw,peuterey outlet milano, said, "Xiao lying,piumini moncler, he is a liar, and I have repeatedly wrote to the lawyer, said to Xiao the prosecution. "and asked reporters," Is not there any new progress now, you can sue a psycho? "

It is small He Jieshao, he was brought up in children with spina bifida, incontinence. "In some 'Shore surgery' in the ad, I see hope,moncler piumini, after making the relevant advice,http://www.zgybg.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=35178, the family took me to Zhengzhou,air max pas cher, underwent surgery, but after surgery, incontinence or could not control, Even results that are not more than 30,000 yuan surgery also wasted. "

Reporters interview, the majority of patients have indicated you want to safeguard their rights,http://www.isofans.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, "the divine origin of Urology Hospital of Zhengzhou early no,moncler uomo, I really do not know who to turn to?"

Lawyers entrusted to sue

"At present, I have mastered more than 400 patients with the information they accepted Shore after surgery did not cure the disease." Lawyer Peng Jian said, "I have also accepted the commission 13 patients and will help cover this year, May 13 30 people, including the patient's family court,nike tn pas cher, the prosecution Xiao et al. "

In fact, as early as in October 2009,woolrich outlet,http://bbs.yapaifs.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=8911911, it has instituted court proceedings patient in Zhengzhou, the divine origin of Urology Hospital of Zhengzhou claims, but in August 2010 hearing before the hospital was canceled local health bureau. No longer exists because the subject of litigation, the court dismissed the patient's lawsuit.

Peng Jian said,http://m2xava.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=234296,chaussures nike pas cher, because the divine origin of Urology Hospital of Zhengzhou has been canceled,http://freshnhottrends.com/activity/p/589531/, had to sue their patients will sue the hospital's main shareholder is changed to Xiao et al.

In the briefing, the American Urological Association for a psycho after his release from prison in a news conference, took the (AUA) on the "Shore surgery," the three-year report on the results, saying, "Shaw operation" can improve congenital spina bifida spina bifida patients with neurogenic bladder complicated by bowel and bladder function, the cure rate is even as high as 76%. Peng Jian countered that "we are now able to come up with the real deal Shore 400 real cases of surgical failure,piumino moncler,http://www.wangjinzhan.com/BBS/home.php?mod=space&uid=126532, I want to ask Xiao cure rate of 85% (Shore previous publicity) is reflected in where?"

Newspaper reporter Zhang school

■ News Background

The Ministry of Health identified the report, about one case of spina bifida spina bifida birth defects in newborns per 1000 cases, the vast majority of patients (75% -90%) died of recurrent urinary tract infections, kidney failure and other urinary complications. Thus, for this chronic problem of psycho "Shaw reflex arc operation" fame.

September 2005, when he was chief scientist of 973 projects were classified as academician candidates psycho.

Subsequently, there are many Xiao Fang accused of academic misconduct, citing litigation. Although the court Fang lost, but Xiao also voted Academy of Sciences.

Last August 29, the police said they were in the vicinity of Fang Road, Shijingshan District shelter being attacked. Previously, the "Finance" magazine editor Fang has been attacked in her way home, the two have in common is both academic crackdown on psycho conducted.

Since then, Beijing police said in a statement, Xiao spent 100,moncler milano,000 yuan in retaliation for directing others to commit a crime, sentenced to detention and five months.