
Sports Network (Chutianjinbao) Integrated "Guangzhou Daily" reported that 34-year-old Hu Jing, Wuhan woman marrying Shenzhen 10 years later, on February 9, 8 pm Yuanxiaoye sudden coma was rushed to the hospital, on the 16th afternoon . The death of Hu Jing dense fog. Wen Yu Zhang for the "affair,parka woolrich," one said,hogan, Hu Jing's friends, neighbors thought unlikely.

Optional autopsy results released

Wen Yu Zhang gaunt

Hu Jing's sister,woolrich outlet, told reporters that the hospital the day before had contact you want to copy her sister's medical records, but the hospital said to wait five days, so on Monday (today) to copy, to bring their families to apply for the ID card in person to the medical department, explain why .

The day before yesterday, the Shenzhen Futian District, two police in the villa Hu Hu Jing Jing's mother and sister to re-do a detailed record. Police said autopsy results will choose a specific publication.

Reporters yesterday once again came to the hospital ICU ward. Staff told reporters that the text Hiroaki not very talkative, every day to the hospital,http://www.huachuanqingxie.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=347620, "face looked haggard, as if resting it very well."

Reporters learned that the case caused great concern Hu Jing Hu Jing's home in Wuhan,http://www.biclub.eu/profile.php?uid=7, Wuhan lawyer Yan Daoqing has arrived in Shenzhen,giubbotti woolrich, one for Hu Jing free lawsuit. Hu Jing's mother and sister, expressed relief. The text Hiroaki is always one of the family members said they did not respond to anything.

Because Hu Jing autopsy report has not yet come out, Yan lawyers decided to return to Wuhan,nike air max pas cher, while the exhortations of a lawyer friend Shenzhen Shenzhen law firm, he can not be rushed in case of Shenzhen, to help complete some procedural matters, and deal with some unexpected situations.

Hu said the text Hiroaki "change of heart"

Neighborhood Friends capita table denied

Hu Jing cultural Hiroaki feeling how the case has become a focal point,http://talktechies.com/2014/11/cjh2zpdjoh/.

Yesterday, reporters once again came to the couple's home earlier. There households revealed that last winter the village had had an affair text Hiroaki rumors. Hu Jing's sister also said that Hu Jing had told her that the text Hiroaki often came back late, "the big man married a knot, and if no,http://www.rjm.co.za/node/10/, why come home late at night." However, according to the reporter, the possibility of the text Hiroaki "derailed" unlikely.

Reporters found a man named phone Hu Jing, who recently worked with Hu Jing sent a blessing message. Reporter called Pu Yulan phone. Pu Yulan said she knew Hu Jingfu women in 1998. In her eyes,piumini moncler,http://www.gruot.net:87/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=11114374, the couple still loving, Hu Jing rarely complained to her husband is not.

Reporters also contacted at the University of Hu Jing surnamed Shao roommate. Ms. Shao said that in college, is the first to pursue Hu Wen Yu Zhang Jing, and they both love to talk about for two years. After graduating from August last year, she still keep in touch with Hu Jing, they sometimes share their marriage,woolrich donna, "Hu Jing lived a life of mothers, but also normal when it comes to speech text Hiroaki,moncler piumini, unlike marriage crisis. "

Reporters came to text home in the village of West Second Place GangXia old house 145 investigation. Building a repair shop next to the old man in the shop had been ten years, a couple of text Hiroaki quite familiar:. "They often see themselves driving a car, go out to dinner together the two of them is to get rich, how could do ? the kind of thing, "a reporter asked:"? You mean he will not kill his wife yet, "the old man once said:" absolutely not. "He added, Wen Yu chapter had never seen another woman had intimate act! .

Hu Jing fall was due to heart disease?

Experts believe guess no basis

Hu Jing why fall at home lead to coma? Text Hiroaki husband committed,abercrombie outlet, or are there other reasons? Recently appeared speculation that Hu Jing due to genetic causes a bad heart,woolrich parka, resulting in a fall at home. The students told reporters Hu Jing,http://www.baimusic.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1152739, Hu Jing's father was born because of a tumor near cardiac death. Miss Xiao Hu Jing's mother also confirmed this.

Reporter consulted Fukuda Hospital cardiologist Dr. Pei. Pei doctors said heart aortic dissecting aneurysm of the genetic association is not great. And Hu Jing was 34 years old,http://www.chrisadamsperfumes.com/index.php?item/create_form/1,tn requin pas cher,http://arcoleg.com/activity/p/105143/, even if there are genetic aspects of cardiovascular disease, are unlikely to occur in this age. The heart of aortic dissecting aneurysm induced main cause of hypertension, heart is not the reason. Therefore, from the genetic perspective,giubbotti moncler, Hu Jing is also unlikely to have a heart attack before the fall at home.