
Xuzhou man a cow, business failure,http://www.moon.sannet.ne.jp/y_miwa/gwbbs/gwbbs.cgi, in order to cheat even at the high insurance premiums "murder for money." He found a tramp,http://senritiryouin.com,moncler sito ufficiale, which was subsequently knocked unconscious incineration, acting as their own avatars, and create "their" car crash illusion. Yesterday,abercrombie milano, the Modern Express Reporter relevant to the case by the police to obtain details of the case to restore the whole story. Modern Express reporter Liu Liwei Hao Lei fragrance Correspondent



Van car crash

May 8, 2014 in the afternoon, in the village south of the bridge leprosarium Xuzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone, Xu Zhen Zhao set, it was found that a car overturned van, this car has been burned in the van, and one with Charred corpses.

Xuzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone Public Security Bureau jointly Fire, police departments, and sent technical personnel to the scene to conduct a criminal investigation. According to police investigators, when the van was burned only the frame,nike tn pas cher, the body has been the main driving position charred.

After investigation, the van's owner is a copper cow in a mountainous town in Iraq, 43-year-old,http://bbs.hdan.cn/thread-181353-1-1.html, has lost contact. After the incident, a cow family members rushed to the scene, the mood is very excited,http://www.eprussia.ru/gb/gb.cgi, they believe the deceased was a cow, requires the deceased pull to go home, according to local customs handling funeral.

"At least we have to figure out, which in the end is a traffic accident or a criminal offense. Even the traffic accident,http://www.tukipie.net/camera/index.cgi,piumini moncler, but also to figure out what happened before this?" The scene of the police believe that whether it is not an accident, we must first determine the identity of the deceased could not Accident hastily by the family in accordance with the requirements of a cow trouble.

Police decided to first extract the DNA of the dead were compared, while the activities of a cow lost to investigate visited before. "I know that he work in Xuzhou, in particular where work is unclear." By visiting a family and social relationships cattle, but no one knows cow incident the previous week's activities.



The owner has purchased 1.5 million yuan of insurance

And when the police investigation,abercrombie pas cher, the staff rushed to several insurance companies understand the situation of public security organs. Upon inquiry, the police found a cow had been purchased in a number of insurance companies totaling more than 1.5 million personal accident insurance.

At this point, the police sent the investigation team came a message, a cow before done some hydroelectric,woolrich donna, thermal and paint business, did not earn much money, owed several hundred thousand dollars of debt.

Is a cow is to have so many of these foreign debt and buy insurance,basket nike pas cher?

While investigators confused when, DNA comparison results came out, the children of deceased relatives with a cow not have any blood relationship. "It makes us feel that this is likely to be a criminal case, the possibility of potentially fraudulent relatively large."



He was too drugged to buy online

Investigation team soon learned that a new situation: a cow had consulted a doctor drugged and captured the hearts of people with nothing. And when the police investigation of a cow was found to have been drugged to buy online records. Further investigation,http://social1.net46.net/user/mjdngal09tr/blogs, police also found a surprising clue, "a cow on the morning of the incident has appeared in Xuzhou Bus Terminal, and it has purchased a bus ticket to Zhengzhou's day."

All indications show that a cow is not only not dead, but also a major crime suspects. Subsequently, Xuzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone Public Security Bureau investigation,moncler outlet online, and set up a task force. All the way up, the police found a cow by the Lanzhou to Urumqi last, after missing.

After investigation,woolrich outlet, police eventually found hiding in a cow on a farm in Xinjiang Wusu City. June 2, a cow is an arrest. After the assault trial, together with carefully planned murder Pianbao case bottom.

The truth


Kill tramp cheat high premiums

According to the police, the suspect cow because business is poor management, owed tens of million of debt. One day in September 2013, a chance, a cow can be heard by illegal means to defraud insurance matters, after a cow to buy a number of insurance companies personal accident insurance.

These insurance beneficiaries,http://www.infocrystal.com/alink/apeboard_plus.cgi?command=read_message&msgnum=860/,air max pas cher, some designated for their families, many did not specify who is the beneficiary. However, police said, according to relevant regulations, which do not specify a beneficiary of insurance, spouse and children and other close relatives regarded as the beneficiary.

After the 2014 Spring Festival,http://pogalgraph.px2.jp/cgi-bin/diary/diary.cgi, the creditors began noisy, a cow has pressure,tn requin pas cher, want to find a man with his own body to be burned similar in your own car to the illusion of manufacturing the scene, in order to cheat insurance.

In order to implement the evil plan, a cow was carefully planned and prepared. He first captured the hearts of people can consult drugged case, then purchased three barrels of turpentine. By the end of April 2014, a cow began to look for a suitable object, Wei Zhang Jizhen final set in the vicinity of the copper mountainous village crossroads, found a similar spirit with his unusual posture homeless people. He learned that the name of the long-term homeless people settled in trade market in the northeast corner, at the foot of the wall of a supermarket.

May 7 at night, drove to a nearby cattle trade market wait. May 8 around midnight, when the victim while asleep, a cow in a farmer's market to pick up a brick to pound the victim.

Subsequently, a cow drove up to the nearby village of Xu Zhen Zhao set leprosarium and manufacture a car accident. A cow and then a prepared song to victims who poured perfume and ignited,giubbotti moncler, causing the vehicle and the victim was burned together.

After a cow prosecutors approved the arrest was, now entering the prosecution phase.

Edit: SN123