
WASHINGTON (correspondent reporter Li Jie Wen Ho) 2001, embezzled 70,000 yuan freight member Zhang Xu drugs fled. 10 years, Zhang Xu walking Tibet,hogan 2014, and with their practical work hard to win the goodwill of the locals, clear network operations in 2011, Zhang Xu was arrested. Recently,http://junqing1024.com/thread-147517-1-1.html, Lanzhou Railway Transport Court that Zhang Xu sincere repentance after committing the crime,http://www.shopwave.ne.jp/jhc/cgi-bin/bbs/bbs.cgi,nike tn pas cher, embezzlement and sentenced to Chapter Asahi 3 years imprisonment, suspended for three years.

46-year-old Zhang Xu, formerly Lanzhou Railway Bureau, Lanzhou West Station Cargo Container freight transportation center staff. One night 10 years ago,http://www.eastcom.ne.jp/~meinstern18/bbs/light.cgi, is the night shift chapter Xu found a Pharmaceutical Company issued Hefei Gansu part of a pharmaceutical company has been in the drug unattended, so he took the opportunity to more than 70,000 yuan worth of these drugs fall into an empty container inside,http://repository.aichi-edu.ac.jp, sent to Tianshui. Subsequently, Zhang Xu,peuterey outlet, contact others, share of proceeds of 32,000 yuan after the drug sales.

After committing the crime grew more and more afraid of Chapter Xu, immediately decided to "go for the." Zhang Xu, first fled to Lhasa, in a remote hotel to live down. In the meantime, Zhang Xu, always restless, until Ali went to Champlain County area stopped down. Ali, Zhang Xu afraid to reveal his true identity, not in touch with their families, not talking to people, but did not dare quarrel with someone, always serious work. A long time, he gradually won the trust of local residents, into the lives of local people,nike tn pas cher, and no one had any doubt on him.

July 4, 2011,http://www.railroadpix.com,woolrich sito ufficiale, the Tibet Autonomous Region Champlain County Public Security Bureau of Criminal Investigation Brigade to arrest fugitives in clear network operations,woolrich milano, found that the county is a man working in the Bhagavad Township Lanzhou Railway Police Department officers Zhang Xu online pursuit characteristics very similar. After careful investigation and screening, police officers determined that the man was a fugitive for years police chase Zhang Xu, now,http://www.musikini.de, fled 10 years of Zhang Xu was finally arrested.

By the end of 2011, Lanzhou Railway Transport Court held a public hearing of the criminal case Asahi chapter. The court found that Zhang Xu, as state-owned enterprises in the non-national staff,moncler uomo outlet, taking advantage of his position,http://www.kaz32.com/cgi-bin/nextbbs.cgi?mode=form&no=467&page=2, the illegal possession of the unit of property worth more than 70,hogan interactive,000 yuan, a relatively large amount, his behavior constituted embezzlement. Zhang Xu, after taking into account the crime sincere repentance,abbigliamento peuterey uomo, no illegal performance 10 years,http://www.trademarkia.com,air max pas cher, justice after a good attitude and other factors,nike tn pas cher 2013, the court ultimately spared to embezzlement and sentenced Zhang Xu 3 years imprisonment,basket nike tn pas cher, suspended for three years.