
Legal Daily reporter Mayue Jun Chen Dongsheng

Fuyang City, Zhejiang Province, a 16-year-old girl three days of living, learning and other causes of committing suicide thoughts, put pesticides in their cups, and two classmates in. What is shocking is that the girl turned out to be the cause of the poisoning death of a man too afraid to be alone.

June 18, Fuyang Municipal People's Procuratorate of intentional murder of teenage Vonnie (a pseudonym) prosecuted according to law.


Vonnie was born in 1994, in June this year, just turned 16 years of age, parents are humble farmers, when workers at the paper mill, at home as well as an 8-year-old sister. In the eyes of parents, sisters obedient sensible, well-being of family life, everything is tame.

Vonnie academic performance in general, but propriety compliance, carefree life. In May last year, Vonnie's body suddenly deteriorated, has been coughing and sometimes cough bloodshot. Parents took her to the hospital to see a doctor, the diagnosis of gastritis and capillary bleeding, treatment needs to slowly nursed back to health.

The doctors did not let Vonnie at ease, combined with the time "a flow" in vogue, Vonnie's temperature has been high, she thought rather heavy stubbornly think they are dying. This invisible overwhelming shadow hanging over Vonnie, she became anxious, sensitive and irritable. Coupled with a number of hospitals still not visited her condition improved, Vonnie more worried, character also deteriorated.

I often think about their disease,, Vonnie would lament too unhappy life. See their parents have paid for their own treatment, Vonnie feel like a burden, she did not want to give parents any trouble. Under the shadow of indulging in such sentiments, her words less and less,nike tn requin, more and more heavy thoughts, and these subtle changes was busy working parents ignored.


At school, Vonnie few friends, to ingratiate themselves with less, she flies somewhat depressed.

When the first two days, Vonnie and classmate of the boys little far (a pseudonym) acquainted with, cheerful, humorous little far to make her feel comfortable and like the sun, and she liked to play small, remote chat with. Soon, the class gradually rumors small, remote and Vonnie "love", the students unintentional joke but hurt the friendship, small, remote and Vonnie gradually alienated.

Vonnie difficult subject, her words less,louboutin pas cher, repressed emotions let her get a little weird.

In early November last year, because "a flow" epidemic, the school put a 7 days leave. Students return to school the day before midterms, as usual, the temperature measured by the school clinic. Vonnie home self-test temperature of 38 degrees,giubbotti woolrich, but the clinic to measure the body temperature normal. Vonnie clinic did not think carefully examined, then took the body temperature of a single clinic opened there teacher angrily to the theory, both in words generated some misunderstandings. Finally, the class teacher or agreed Vonnie home.

Vonnie home after telling their grievances, parents understand the truth and therefore the teacher had been a misunderstanding. After that, by teachers and parents SMS interaction, eliminating the misunderstanding. Vonnie mind but still miss her paranoid that teachers, students are not close on their own, their academic performance is not satisfactory, nor able to talk to a few friends, school life is really boring.


Living, learning many disappointments, plucked heartstrings this fragile 16-year-old girl's name, a terrible idea germinated in her mind - to commit suicide!

November 29, 2009 at 11 am, Vonnie from the second floor to the first floor room to drink water, while downstairs with a glimpse of the parents do farm pesticides, heart suddenly had the idea. See the rest of her family, the three kinds of pesticides secretly poured into their empty bottles were mixed, and the bottle hidden in a nook under the stairs, and then calmly upstairs. 13 am, ready to send her mother to the bus station by car to school Vonnie, Vonnie while it is not prepared to put the bottle in a sandwich bag, then go out with her mother.

Went to school, Vonnie absently on the ground over four classes in the afternoon. After class,, students are flying out of the classroom to go to dinner,, only her motionless in his seat, then a boy left the classroom, Vonnie waiting for him to leave. Soon, the boys got up and out of the classroom.

Vonnie classroom leaving only one person, she took the bottle from the bag, poured into his third cup of pesticide, and then drink a big mouth. When the odor of water down the throat with a little inflow body, Vonnie began to fear, afraid to die alone in a man, she wants to find a few students to accompany her to "go." Vonnie first thought of a good relationship and their own little roommate Sara (a pseudonym), she picked up a small glass of water pour a few drops of pesticide Shakespeare, then went to a small table away, also in his water bottle pour a few drops and the bottle back in place.

The students came back to the classroom, small Lufthansa also came to the table homework, she readily took up his cup to drink, just drink a few mouthfuls of water to feel the taste wrong, smells an heavy smell of pesticides the side of the students hear a small cup Lufthansa also said that pesticide smell,hogan sito ufficiale,, little Shakespeare put this situation to tell the head teacher.

Teacher very seriously, told we do not drink, and asked each student to check their cups,, but also to a few students in the class to check the water dispenser inside the classroom suddenly floundered. Vonnie looked at what was happening,, terribly upset,, she did not know how much they drank little Shakespeare in the end, it will be fine? She hopes the small Saanen immediately sent to the hospital ......

Gave more thought, Vonnie picked up cups drink of water, and then report back to their teacher also taste the water. Then in a small cup away also found pesticide taste. The teacher immediately made a report to the leaders of the school, and again to ask for investigation within classes. At this point, a small Lufthansa began to feel physically uncomfortable, so drink water odor small Lufthansa and Vonnie was rushed to the hospital. Meanwhile, the school police.


Hospital, Vonnie unplug the tube, refused gastric lavage.

Subsequently,moncler outlet, the police arrived, accompanied by a teacher classmates launched an investigation and evidence collection, slowly lock the object of suspicion, and that is Vonnie was lying on the bed. The face of police interrogation, Vonnie admitted he wants to commit suicide, but the fear of a dead too lonely So the fact that pesticides classmates cup serving. Heard about this, teachers, parents are all extremely shocked.

When the father Vonnie understand the situation, this humble farmer forced back feelings of sadness, said: daughter so far has been stable since the beginning of three days of illness declined. The child's personality, though not very mild, usually say a few harsh words will temper, do not eat, but in general it is quite obedient, always bad news back home are also happy, there is said to have Laughing, she did not find anything unusual.

Parents always love their children, facing a big mistake committed by Vonnie, they were promptly remedy, but also to ensure that the future will be more concerned about the child's heart, communicate more with their children, to enlighten her, hope that the judiciary can give kids a chance to turn over a new leaf. Because timely delivery rule, Vonnie and small Lufthansa were not affected much, because there is no drinking far too small to avoid injury. But Vonnie still have to accept legal sanctions for their actions.

Prosecutors charged that Vonnie way to put pesticides, want to unlawful deprivation of life, his behavior constituted intentional homicide. Vonnie has embarked on a crime, but not because of the reasons other than the will to succeed, the Department attempted.

Prosecutors said the case of the contractor, in accordance with the law, fourteen years of age under 16 years of age who commits intentional homicide, intentional injury causing serious injury or death, rape, robbery, drug trafficking, arson, explosion,, poisoning crime should be held criminally responsible. Fourteen years of age under eighteen years of age who commits a crime should be given a lighter or mitigated punishment.