Xinhua Beijing October 10 (Reporter Li Shu) general hospitals do not receive an ordinary weekday home patients,, all patients through the "Yituo" "pull live" brought from major hospitals. Beijing police recently launched "Autumn Storm" special action, opened a capital "Yituo hospital" shady.

According to the Information Office of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau informed on the 10th, from August this year, the capital deployed Interpol's most capable, most professional investigators, technical police to put "autumn storm" in the crackdown, with the vital interests of the people and other property-related crimes related The case focused on combat, cracked a series of major cases, the police will come from now to disclose some of the cases.

West Branch of Beijing Public Security Bureau official, in the "Autumn Storm" operation, the police seized the use of "Yituo" fraudulent activities in Beijing San Feng, Phinecon two Chinese Medicine Hospital,woolrich donna, arresting 80 suspects, seized seal ,,nike air max 90 outlet, notes, fake medicine, cash,, computers, POS machines and other substantial evidence.

August 28 13 am,, the report said parents of children with a particular police station on the altar: his children with hemophilia in the hospital when the child was "Yituo" to introduce the name Pianzhi doctors located in Fengtai District Ducks Beijing Chinese Medicine Hospital of San Feng bridge attachment, trauma hospital child diagnosed with arthritis, with 10 pay-called special effects herbal cheated more than 2,600 yuan RMB.

West Public Security Bureau police immediately carry out preliminary investigations, forensics,peuterey outlet, the investigation found that activity in the Beijing Children's Hospital,, Union Hospital (West Branch) of "Yituo" Hunan Hengyang County and Hebeianguo County-based, some of the "Yituo" in Beijing Children's Hospital in fraudulent activities for almost 10 years, most of the "Yituo" staying in Fengtai District, Xicheng District,, Pacific Bridge and low-end hotels near Jishuitan. Most "Yituo" leader of private contractors qualified Chinese Medicine Hospital, from "Yituo" major hospitals in Beijing to find patients, fraudulently exaggerated "Yituo hospital" effect lure patients.

"Yituo" The patients Pianzhi located in Fengtai District of Beijing Caihuying San Feng Chinese Medicine Hospital after street level and is located in the Xuanwu District Nancaiyuan "Cathay Building," the Beijing Chinese Medicine Hospital Phinecon, simple pulse diagnosis by the doctor out The so-called effects of Chinese herbal medicine, spent a few thousand or even million,woolrich donna,, "Yituo" commission charged 50% of the drugs.

According to the survey, Beijing Chinese Medicine Hospital of San Feng is a private general hospital in Fengtai District Health Board for approval by the run,, known as treating incurable diseases,woolrich outlet, normally do not receive medical treatment in patients with ordinary home, all patients by "Yituo" from the major Hospital "pull live" bring. Police confirmed that Beijing Chinese Medicine Hospital San Feng Tai Chinese Medicine Hospital and Beijing gold exists using the "Yituo" fraud offenses.

At 6:00 on September 11, the West Side Public Security Bureau organized 50 police officers, on the Beijing Chinese Medicine Hospital and San Feng Tai Beijing Chinese Medicine Hospital two gold and a temporary hospital in the West, Fengtai two places "Yituo" to start arrests were arresting more than 80 people, 43 people under criminal detention, has verified eight cases, the case is still in the trial.

Reporters learned that, since May 2007, the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau Xicheng lead in the People's Hospital of Peking University First Hospital, Children's Hospital, Fu Wai Hospital, Jishuitan Hospital to establish a police station, the masses "Yituo" "No. traders' information, security and other 11 categories of criminal police intelligence gathering all the information in real time verification of more than two years has dealt with "Yituo" "No. trafficking" and other criminal suspects more than 1,000 people and detained more than 160 people treated.