
Two cases, let Jiangjin villager Zhang Liming Li Tong cave town house completely collapsed --- 12 years, a three respective exile.

12 years ago, just turned 18-year-old son Zhang Zhengjiang and robbed the store next door, the owner chopped to death, from anonymity fled into exile; five years later, the couple go to Guangzhou to work in the employer's home to see Choi spur of the moment, easily stolen more than 10 million in cash, but also began a tour of absconding. For 12 years,, meet three times a few. Son get married and have children, not to tell their parents, the old couple grandson has only seen one side.

Late last year, the couple returned Zhang Liming Yu was arrested, possession of his son 12 years were subsequently arrested. Today, their life in prison, it is estimated will continue far apart ......

Absconded four years for more than one name

Family of three had enjoyable. Ancient Shu-Fang Zhang Liming and his wife at home, farming, 1980 gave birth to son Zhang Zhengjiang.

In October 1998, just turned 18-year-old Zhang Zhengjiang, together with a friend Wang, Luo two (already sentenced), to the same village grocery store burglary and the owner couple seriously slashed. Three days later, the owner of a paint because she died. Zhang Zhengjiang abscond career began.

testified that he visited incognito wandering multiple counties in Guizhou and Hunan provinces, the registration ID from dare stay. Initially, his unkempt beggar dressed, pack rat living by picking up trash. A year later, he was looking for work around the frequent replacement of the names: washing dishes in a restaurant, in the yard to move goods in the factory when the fitter ...... 4 years, doing the work no less than seventy-eight kinds. Everywhere are afraid of more than six months,, the name is also in exchange for going.

Conceal the identity of a wife

In Hunan, Zhang Zhengjiang stopped fleeing footsteps. He met wife Li, Long Tan was a pseudonym. Who are charged with murder because he concealed the true identity and experience to his wife and parents.

To avoid suspicious wife,, his son, also named Tan only wronged. "I was an only child, carrying home the task of procreation, which would like to get this far!" Wedding night and his son birthday, "Tan Long" again and again and had to tears. His wife asked what he would only grievances pharynx to the stomach ......

Yu was arrested escorted back to work

In January this year, 7 pm, in Huadu District, Guangzhou million letter plastics company to work "Tan Long", work by three men after winning.

"Zhang Zhengjiang, you do not re-installed, I was in your hometown police, fled to kill you for 12 years, now under arrest!" At first, struggling against the "Long Tan", after hearing the sheer jiangjin then, suddenly vent gas, admit that he is Zhang Zhengjiang.

A three remote reunion

After marriage, reported good news to the parents, then parents have to work south of Guangdong.

A family of three finally reunited in Guangdong. "It was also a reunion sneaky, not to their places of temporary, only about outside a restaurant!" Zhangzheng Jiang said his appearance changed, even the name has changed, my father was surprised, only silently accepted.

Since then, although the same working in Guangdong, but a four extremely difficult to meet. In the meantime,, because of an old married couple missing grandson, grandson went to Hunan seen side. Grandson picked surname Tan,, Zhang Liming tears ......

(In addition, the old couple who are charged with the murder of his son to know, but also to his son and daughter, stealing large sums of money to conceal its own facts.)

Now,, this one, although all three were arrested, but in turn pass: Late last year, Zhang Liming, ancient Shu-Fang couple was taken to the police from Chongqing, Guangdong (modus ground) custody. Earlier this year, Zhang Zhengjiang police custody from Guangdong back to Chongqing. A three in prison, will continue to get this far! (Party pseudonym) reporter Zhu Xin Qin police courtesy

Interpreting the son of a middle-aged bald

44-year-old ,, fled after the incident, his son,, Chafanbusi day, white hair suddenly now, obviously lost a lap.

said he considered to persuade his son to surrender, but the thought of his son is the only incense family of procreation, life is no guarantee after the surrender. So no matter how many police do mobilization, he and his wife did not always disclose lipped.

Easily stole more than 10 million

Over the past four years, Old Men's Zhang Liming couple decided to work south of Guangdong.

Upon arrival in Guangdong,tn pas cher, the couple start from Baojie Gong,chaussure nike pas cher femme, security guards. When asked why they are fifty years old workers, migrant workers, but also their homes when they are Xinrudaoge ......

By the end of 2003, the couple do housekeeping in a boss at home, they found the other forgot to lock the safe, there are a stack of more than 10 million in cash and some gold and silver jewelry. The couple could not hold on, pilfering to this huge sum of money stolen!

And son continue to change the name, four different fled, Zhang couples neither change the name, nor leave Guangdong, just go to the local rural continue working life.

Afraid for his son to surrender

Zhang Liming couple and their son and daughter began life, occasional contact, meet little --- Zhang couple said they fifty years old, and still in hiding, it is very humiliating to suffer, never had a stable life one day .

said that during the flight, he and his wife wanted to surrender the past. But fear of endangering his son, and even destroy his son's family, which has yet to act. "My wife said that if his son were arrested first, it was life; if we first arrested for assisting the police to persuade his son to surrender,borse louis vuitton outlet, that is life."

By the end of December last year, has long been thought that the incident time, the police have given up tracking couple back to Chongqing for the New Year,boutique louboutin paris, the city was captured by the police. He then provides information about the son, "Long Tan" in. CASE police flew to Guangzhou,scarpe hogan 2015, on January 7 this year, it reappear.